Student Services
Differentiated Instruction and Universal Design
Differentiated Instruction (DI)
DI is defined as a method of instruction or assessment that alters the presentation of the curriculum for the purpose of responding to the learning diversity, interests and strengths of pupils.
Universal Design (UD) The concept of UD means that school communities, including teachers, develop plans for the full diversity of their student population. Universally designed schools, classrooms, curricula and materials provide all students with access to the resources they require, regardless of their diverse abilities and needs.
Information for Schools, Students, and Families
Differentiated Instruction (DI) All teachers differentiate instruction to some extent. It is in the nature of teaching to pay attention to the responses of individual students and to adapt instruction and classroom organization to ensure their success.
Universal Design (UD)
As the range of diversity in our classrooms continues to increase, our emphasis on methods and practices that promise greater success for all students must also increase. Universal Design is the next logical step along this path. UD is defined as the process of creating systems, environments, materials and devices that are directly and repeatedly usable by people with the widest range of abilities operating within the largest variety of situations.
Consultation Support
An SSU consultant may consult with student support teams related to school-based, classroom-based or student specific-planning and programming. SSU consultants may also support school or division teams by providing workshops on topics relevant to the student support role.
Legislation, Standards and Policies
Differentiated Instruction
Standards for Appropriate Educational Programming in Manitoba (
481 KB)
Appropriate Educational Programming in Manitoba: Extending Genuine Learning and Social Experiences for All School Communities: Final Consultation Report 2006 (
258 KB)
Appropriate Education Programming Regulations (
122 KB)
Universal Design
Standards for Appropriate Educational Programming in Manitoba (
481 KB)
Appropriate Educational Programming in Manitoba: Extending Genuine Learning and Social Experiences for All School Communities: Final Consultation Report 2006 (
684 KB)
General Enquiries
Inclusion Support Branch
Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning
Telephone: 204-945-7912
Toll Free in Manitoba: 1-800-282-8069, ext. 7912