Student Services
Student-specific Planning and Individual Education Plans (IEPs)
Student-specific planning is the process through which members of student support teams, including educators and parents, collaborate to meet the unique needs of individual students. The purpose of student-specific planning is to help students attain the skills and knowledge that are the next logical step beyond their current levels of performance. Through the student-specific planning process the student support team works to identify a student's unique learning needs and to determine, implement, and evaluate appropriate educational interventions. These interventions may range from short-term strategies applied in the classroom to comprehensive, individualized programming. The student-specific planning process is sufficiently broad-based to address, in a systematic way, a wide range of exceptional learning needs.
Individual education plans (IEPs) document the student-specific planning process. IEPs are not legal documents; they function as planning, record-keeping, and communication tools. While school divisions may use different terms and acronyms to describe student-specific planning processes and written plans, IEP is a global term referring to a written document developed and implemented by a team, outlining a plan to address the unique learning needs of students. Because a wide range of students with very different strengths and needs can be served through student-specific planning, each resulting IEP is specific to the student for whom it is designed. The format, length, and content of the IEP will reflect the needs of the student. IEPs for students who require adaptations within regular programming can often be completed in one or two pages. A smaller number of students with more involved needs will require more detailed and comprehensive IEPs.
Information for Schools, Students, and Families
School-based student support teams vary in size and composition based on the needs of individual students. Teams may include a principal and/or vice principal, resource teacher(s), counsellor(s), classroom teacher(s), parent(s), school clinicians and others who have responsibility for students with special learning needs. The student may also participate as a member of the team, as appropriate.
The student support team plans and monitors the development and implementation of an individual education plan (IEP), which can involve one or many aspects of the student's school life.
An SSU consultant may consult with student support teams related to school- based, classroom-based or student-specific planning and programming.
- Student-Specific Planning: A Handbook for Developing and Implementing Individual Education Plans (IEPs)
( 684 KB)
- Working Together: A Handbook for Parents of Children with Special Needs in School
- Working Together: A Handbook for Parents of Children with Special Needs in School (Brochure) (
595 KB)
Legislation, Standards and Policies
- Appropriate Educational Programming Regulations
- Education Administration Miscellaneous Provisions Regulation
- Standards for Appropriate Educational Programming in Manitoba (
481 KB)
General Enquiries
Inclusion Support Branch
Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning
Telephone: 204-945-7912
Toll Free in Manitoba: 1-800-282-8069, ext. 7912