Student Services
Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning has identified a range of instructional supports for addressing student diversity, including differentiated instruction, adaptation, modification, and individualized programming. This is not a continuum of supports; rather, each instructional support is intended to address specific programming needs in consideration of expected learning outcomes and/or student-specific outcomes.
Changes made by the school support team to the number, essence, or content of grade-level provincial expected learning outcomes in a subject/course to meet the learning needs of a student who through a specialized assessment has been indentified as having an intellectual deficit. The changes o the grade-level expected learning outcomes are documented in a student-specific plan (e.g., a curriculum modification plan).
Information for Schools, Students, and Families
Modification is appropriate for students whose intellectual deficits prevent them from attaining enough of the expected learning outcomes to be successful in a subject/course even with documented use of instructional supports, such as differentiated instruction and adaptations. Intellectual deficits are determined through specialized assessment. Determining suitability is a collaborative team process where input from all team members informs decision making about appropriate educational programming. Implementation follows the student-specific planning process. The decision-making process occurs each time modification of a subject/course is considered and should happen before the school year or course begins. The student support team develops, revises, implements, documents, monitors, and evaluates the CMP as needed and at least annually.
A modified course designation appears on a high school transcript and does not typically meet the entry requirements of post-secondary programs of study. Student support team members need to check the entry requirements for post-secondary education and discuss with the student and the parent(s)/guardian(s) the potential impact of current decisions on future educational opportunities.
- Supporting Inclusion - Modification and Individualized Programming in Manitoba Schools (
774 KB)
- Student-Specific Planning: A Handbook for Developing and Implementing Individual Education Plans (IEPs) (
683 KB)
- Student Services Information for Parents
- Working Together: A Handbook for Parents of Children with Special Needs in School (Brochure) (
795 KB)
Legislation, Standards and Policies
- Appropriate Educational Programming Regulation
- Standards for Appropriate Educational Programming in Manitoba (
481 KB)
General Enquiries
Inclusion Support Branch
Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning
Telephone: 204-945-7912
Toll Free in Manitoba: 1-800-282-8069, ext. 7912