Student Services
Support Information: IEP Code Provincial Report Card
When to check the IEP box
Identifying appropriate educational programming (AEP) is critical to accurate and meaningful reporting. AEP for most students is the provincial curriculum. Page 18 of the report card policy document states “for the purposes of the provincial report card the IEP box is selected when an IEP is in place for the academic domain.”
The IEP box is checked for students with a Curriculum Modification Plan (CMP) in place, where eligibility and suitability criteria have been met for Modification of the provincial curriculum. Modification is an instructional support that accommodates an intellectual deficit. The student will be assessed on the expected learning outcomes outlined in the CMP. However, if the ordinal rating of one or a passing mark on the percentage grading scale can be attained with additional supports and adaptations, the IEP box is not checked. In this case, the student is meeting or approximating expected learning outcomes and Modification is not appropriate educational programming.
Teachers may develop a student specific plan to address a variety of other factors that affect student success, such as attendance or gaps in learning. When a student is not yet meeting or approximating the required expected learning outcomes to obtain an ordinal rating of one, or a passing mark on the percentage grading scale, the plan will describe additional supports and adaptations to assist the student in meeting expected learning outcomes. In this case, grades are based on expected learning outcomes (i.e. ND), and the IEP box indicates that a plan is in place to support learning.
When NOT to check the IEP box
Some students have an IEP for domains not reported on the provincial report card. The student may be working toward student specific outcomes outside of provincial curriculum to meet priority needs and/or interests in areas such communication, motor skills, independence, social-emotional learning, or transition. Progress toward any related goals is reported separately. In these circumstances the IEP box is NOT selected. Divisions/Districts may continue to use the reporting tools/templates/documents and processes that are currently in place to report on achievement of student specific outcomes, in addition to the provincial report card.
A very small number of students meet eligibility and suitability for Individualized Programming. Individualized programming is intended for students whose severe to profound intellectual disability prevents them from benefitting from participation in the provincial curriculum and for whom appropriate educational programming involves highly individualized and functionally appropriate learning experiences in domains outside of the provincial curriculum. Goals outside of provincial curriculum in the areas of functional academics, communication, motor skills, independence, social-emotional learning, or transition will be described in the IEP. In this case, the IEP box is not selected, as the student is not working on provincial curriculum. The front page of the report card should be completed to the extent possible and accompany the IEP Report (ex. IEP-R).
IEP Reporting Template
- IEP Reporting Template – PDF Version (
26 KB) MS Word Version (
55 KB)
An optional IEP template has been developed to assist schools to report on student achievement related to the IEP goals that are specific to that student's special learning needs and would not be reported through the provincial report card. The IEP box is not checked when reporting on outcomes outside of provincial curriculum.
General Enquiries
Inclusion Support Branch
Manitoba Education
Telephone: 204-945-7912
Toll Free in Manitoba: 1-800-282-8069, ext. 7912