IEP - Safety Plan for Tim
Goal #1
| Goal #2 | Goal #3
Goal |
Strategy |
Resources |
Backup |
Provide alternative placements
for times when Tim is at risk of injuring others or himself |
- When court cases or parent visitations are near the foster
parents and/or social worker will determine whether to keep
him home
- When Tim seems completely unmanageable in school, even by
the administrator, Tim will be sent home
- Tim will have an alternate activity for noon hour and a plan
to systematically regain noon hour privileges
- Staff will not physically block Tims escape when he
tries to run out of the classroom or school but an entry process
will be needed
- Parents will provide support except for those few times when
both are away
- Mrs. Smith will pick Tim up at school unless the car is unavailable
or she is not in town
- The vice principal will allow Tim to assist with lunch duty
and earn a lunch, he can assist volunteers with younger students
- The school psychologist will provide some co-operative games
and he can teach these to students who have to remain in at
noon hour
- CFS will support this decision and the foster parents will
be called if Tim runs away
- If he leaves the school, reentry will be planned with the
principal; if he leaves the class it will be planned with the
- CFS will allow respite for those few times when one of the
Smiths is unable to stay home
- The uncle will provide backup if Tim can be driven to his
work place
- The school and CFS will allow the school staff to transport
Tim home when there isnt a car
- When possible he will be allowed to accompany the duty teacher
for the primary play area
- The counsellor may involve Tim in her first aid group as an
honorary member and allow him to help the student aids help
students hurt on the playground
- If the Smiths are not home, the CFS will be called
- In emergency cases, a staff person may follow Tim or even
stop him physically if required, this person will be trained
in restraint
Goal |
Strategy |
Resources |
Backup |
Create a crisis response
when Tim puts himself in jeopardy |
- When Tim suddenly runs out of the house to "leave"
he will be provided with a phone number to talk with someone
and, if parents are extremely concerned, they will call the
CFS worker
- The CFS has a number to call and the school counselor has
agreed to be one of Tims contacts through this number
when lines are full
- The social worker will respond to the Smiths emergency
calls or have another person on call until 11:00 pm (Tim usually
runs away early in the evening)
- Tim will be taught a talking down strategy and identify a
place where he can use it if he is unable to make contact by
- The recreation director has agreed to be a support when Tim
goes to the community club (he sometimes does this when he "runs
- School psychologist lives in the area and has agreed to be
a contact of last resort
- Community police are aware that they may be help by looking
for Tim and keeping the Smiths informed as to his whereabouts,
if after midnight they may return him home
Goal |
Strategy |
Resources |
Backup |
Reduce damage to the
Smith familys valuables |
- Mr. and Mrs. Smith have removed most objects that are irreplaceable
- Social worker will help Tim to develop a strategy to repair
or replace items that were damaged, particularly when the damage
bothers Tim or the foster parents
- Tims foster father will talk with Tim, after he has
calmed down, about ways to make reparations for things that
were damaged in anger
- CFS will pay for replacement of damaged valuables