Holly Linski
- Home Community:
Grand Rapids First Nation - Cultural Identity: Cree/Salteaux
- Current Position:
Guidance Counsellor/
Teacher, Sioux Valley
High School - Education/Training: Bachelor of General Studies, Bachelor of Education, Master of Education in Guidance and Counselling
- Roles/Responsibilty: Provide service to young people as an academic and career advisor, provide youth guidance and counselling, teach various high school courses, and serve as Acting Principal in the absence of Administration.
- Volunteer work:
Sioux Valley Aboriginal Justice Committee, Sioux Valley Crisis Phone Line, Brandon Urban Aboriginal People's Council.
“Be proud of who you are and
the community in which
you represent.”
What or who inspired you to really go after the profession you are in now?
Between the ages of 14 - 16 I suffered from depression. I was referred to a school psychologist who would meet with me on a biweekly basis. She did not seek to explain, diagnose, or advise, she would merely listen. By allowing me to talk candidly and sort through my adolescent struggles I began to put things into perspective and begin my journey to recovery. It was her understanding, genuineness, and patience that inspired me to become a helping professional and provide services and support to teenagers and their families who were dealing with problems outside their realm of capacity.
What obstacles did you face and how did you overcome them?
During my adolescent years I found myself a single mother at 18 with a bleak outlook on my education. My graduating class had come and gone and I was left behind to face the choices I had made for myself. It was then that I decided to take control of my circumstances and provide a future for myself and my daughter. I went back to high school in the fall with a new set of goals and a new attitude and graduated in 1999. With my daughter in tow, I headed off to Brandon University to pursue a degree in Education. I graduated in 2005 and again in 2011, with a Masters degree in Guidance and Counselling. At the present time I am working as a Guidance Counsellor for Sioux Valley High School and actively volunteer my services to various support programs in and around the community of Brandon. I am currently working toward obtaining my certification as a Canadian Counsellor and plan to continue to work as an advocate for young people and the Aboriginal community.
What critical choices or decisions did you make that helped you get where you are today?
Coming to the realization that education held the key to so many possibilities is what helped me get to where I am today. When I became a mother I vowed to give my child the best life possible and I knew the only way to keep that promise was to get an education. My daughter inspired me to reach new heights and helped me realize that I can have the best of both worlds…I can have children and a career. I now have four children, Arianna -13, twins - Kassie and Kevin Jr. - 4, our newest addition Landon - 6 months, and partner Kevin, who have each supported me every step of the way. I look forward to furthering my education in the near future, but for now I would like to step back and enjoy where I am and be present in the moment.
Whichever path I choose for myself in the future, Aboriginal Education and Aboriginal Empowerment will remain a constant theme in my career objectives and a passion which is fueled each day by the success of our young people.
Message of Encouragement: Embrace opportunities when they are presented, create them when they are not, and take the time to reflect and learn from the choices you make. But most of all, never forget where you came from. Be proud of who you are and the community in which you represent. Life will take us in many directions, but we can always go home.