September 2012 - June 2013
September 2012

“Know the importance of setting a goal and aiming high to succeed and most importantly, speaking out and being heard.”
October 2012

“Everyone is capable of realizing their dreams, no matter how far-fetched, and even if you do not always achieve them in the way you envisioned, your life would still be happier for having tried.”
December 2012

“The ways of “the Old People” have been my guide in life. I spent many years listening to their teaching through sharing their stories.”
January 2013

“Identity is very important and should be part of everyone’s education.”
February 2013

“...always remember only “you” can make a better life for yourself.”
April 2013

“...stay focused on whatever your dreams are and that will make the road to getting there a bit easier!”
May 2013

“Love yourself! Love will heal us and we cannot give what we don’t have.”