September 2014 - June 2015
September 2014

“Speak your language; even if you know only a few words, make them part of your everyday use.”
October 2014

“Think lightly of yourself, be aware and acknowledge the influences around you.”
November 2014

“If you become discouraged in life, seek those who have the knowledge, experience and support to help you bring back the dreams you had before.”
December 2014

“As indigenous people it is important for us to continue with our education and acquire as much knowledge as possible.”
January 2015

“Life is full of choices. You may be dealt a raw hand but you ultimately have the choice in how you lead your life.”
February 2015

“Listen and learn from the elders, for they are our language and cultural lifestyle professors.”
March 2015

“But one thing I’ve learned is you don’t succeed anywhere unless you work hard every day. ”
April 2015

“You can do whatever you set your mind to. Believe in yourself and don't love your sleep.”
May 2015

“Always have a positive attitude!”