September 2013 - June 2014

September 2013

Donavon Mann photo
“There is ALWAYS a right time
for everything!”

Donavon Mann

November 2013

Pinesew asini otehi (Thunderbird Stone Heart)  photo
“...unless a child learns about the forces which shaped him:  the history of his people, their values and customs, their language, he will never really know himself or his potential as a human being.”

Pinesew asini otehi (Thunderbird Stone Heart)
David Swanson

March 2014

Lorie Henderson photo
“Taking opportunities that are outside your comfort zone, work hard and put in your true effort to find your place in the world.”

Lorie Henderson

April 2014

Joel Boyce photo
“Learn to love a challenge.”

Joel Boyce

May 2014

Bernadette Smith photo
“Never give up on your dreams or limit yourself to one.”

Bernadette Smith