September 2023 - June 2024

September 2023

Hailey Seymour photo
“Always remember you can achieve anything you put your mind to.”

Hailey Seymour

October 2023

Dan Ward photo
“I experienced many setbacks and made mistakes on my journey, which helped me better deal with adversity.”

Dan Ward

November 2023

Trish Wilson “Blue Thunderbird Woman” photo
“I wanted better and to this day I still work diligently on breaking barriers in the systems I encounter.”

Trish Wilson “Blue Thunderbird Woman

January 2024

Corey Demarchuk photo
“Look at the cup as half full. Be positive, optimistic and block out the negative influences.”

Corey Demarchuk

February 2024

Judy Saunders-McKay photo
“If you are able to show respect and love and use the truth to gain wisdom, that will give you the courage to go out into the world and be able to live an honest and humble life. Be Kind!”

Judy Saunders-McKay

March 2024

Kelly Chinchilla - Nishkewaasiiga’ed Ikwe (Shines Alone Woman) photo
“A year from now, you’re going to wish you’d started today” — Unknown”

Kelly Chinchilla - Nishkewaasiiga’ed Ikwe (Shines Alone Woman)

May 2024

Cheryl Lynn Dyck photo
“When you do what you love, and love what you do, it brings out the best in you.”

Cheryl Lynn Dyck

June 2024

Kelly Milne – Nipawi Linwarr Mashkwa Iskwew (Standing Black Bear Woman) photo