About This Site
The Multilevel Learning Community
Within this site, content is presented and organized by community audience or membership, including content for learners, teachers, administrators, and parents.
Learning through Integrated Inquiry
Following the stages of inquiry, the Guided Planning Model allows teachers to create and print learning plans.
Additional learning resources may be accessed and used by any member of the multilevel learning community. The electronic resources include the following:
- Media Gallery—contains downloadable images, sound clips, and just-in-time professional learning video clips demonstrating practicing teachers' successes and strategies with multilevel learning.
- Templates—offers downloadable blackline masters originally contained in the print resource Independent Together and developed for the website in formats that allow teachers and students to adapt or individualize learning contexts and goals.
- Multilevel Support—includes a bibliography and webography of multilevel print and online resources.
- Research—features Macromedia Flash™ animation and contains key concepts and important printable bibliographic information.
- Independent Together—provides a link to the document Independent Together: Supporting the Multilevel Learning Community.
- FAQs—answers questions that are frequently asked about the multilevel learning community.
- Contacts—indicates consultants who may be contacted for additional information.
- Glossary—provides definitions of terms related to the multilevel learning community.