Learning Community for Learners
Resources for the Multilevel Classroom
Here are some texts that connect to assessment, differentiated instruction, and curriculum integration in the multilevel classroom.
Charlie's Checklist by Rory S. Lerman
Charlie is very particular about the criteria that he has set for someone to start a new life in the city.
Connections: constructing criteria for quality work
Grasper by Paul Owen Lewis
Grasper is a crab who is a risk-taker. He sets goals and believes in himself. He also uses reflection to help him make sense of what he hears others say and of his own feelings. Grasper discovers different ways to learn about the world and life.
Connections: independent learning, goal setting
Reading and Writing in Action by Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth
This comic is about two active classrooms. The first classroom story is about learners working at being proficient readers. The second classroom shows learners reading, talking, and drafting to grow as writers. You may find yourself in each of these classrooms.
Connections: reading, writing, goal setting, self-assessment, reflection
Jeremiah Learns to Read by Jo Ellen Bogart
Although Jeremiah is an old man, he wants to learn to read. He is very good at telling stories and likes to listen to stories being read aloud. Jeremiah also likes to choose what he wants to read. He practices reading for a long time before he shares his new learning with a very special person in his life.
Connections: learning to read, celebrating learning
The Day Eddie Met the Author by Louise Borden
Eddie is a young writer who wonders how his stories can be like those of a real author. When Eddie meets a real author he has a very thoughtful question, but the assembly is over before he gets a chance to ask his question. Surprisingly, Eddie does have his important question answered by the author. Now, Eddie has new ideas to use at writing workshop.
Connections: English language arts (writing)
The Grizzly Gazette by Stuart J. Murphy
At camp, the students decide to keep a daily poll. Readers learn about the concept of percentage.
Connections: mathematics
The Longest Home Run by Roch Carrier
This text includes sport and personal development.
Connections: physical education/health education
One Fine Day: A Radio Play by Elizabeth Van Steenwyk
Radio communication was a marvellous discovery. This text offers readers the opportunity to experience this early technology by taking us back to the days of the Wright Brothers.
Connections: science, information and communication technologies
Qu'Appelle by David Bouchard
This poetic text is set in the beautiful Qu'Appelle valley of Saskatchewan. A young Cree brave returns to his love after leading a war party to learn that during his absence she fell ill and died of a broken heart. He sets out to find her, calling out "qu'appelle."
Connections: social studies, English language arts
Storm at Battoche by Maxine Trottier
This is a story of a young lost boy who becomes acquainted with a stranger named Louis. Woven throughout this narrative text is an awareness of the heritage of many Manitoba citizens.
Connections: social studies
The Sunday Scoop by Stuart J. Murphy
Selling ice cream becomes a problem-solving task for a group of children. This narrative text introduces mathematical concepts such as tree diagrams, graphing, and multiplication.
Connections: mathematics
What Is a Scientist? by Barbara Lehn
Learning is about asking questions and experiencing science. Like learning scientific concepts, all learning can be more interesting when it is based on inquiry.
Connections: science
Look for other books in your classroom library to support and celebrate your learning.