Learning Community for Parents
Assessment and learning usually happen at the same time in the multilevel
Learning at school is similar to learning to walk. At first, you were a role model for your son or daughter. You encouraged and supported those first steps that your child took, and you continued to guide and offer positive feedback as your child developed confidence and skills. There was much celebration with new learning. Likewise, it is the positive feedback and constructive suggestions for improvement that fosters successful, independent learning skills at school. This is called assessment for learning.
Assessment in the multilevel classroom
- engages parents and students
- occurs on a continuum of learning
- describes what learners can do
- informs instruction
- provides learners with meaningful feedback
- communicates student learning to parents
- celebrates learning
As parents, you support the learner when you
- help to set learning goals at student-led conferences
- talk about learning goals at home
- support the learner at home to meet
learning goals
- reflect on learning experiences and
strategies at home
- visit the classroom to assist with learning
- share in the development of an action
plan for learning
- attend parent-information sessions to learn more about assessment and evaluation in the multilevel classroom
- celebrate learning
Effective assessment in the multilevel classroom occurs in a variety of ways, including
- teacher observation
- strategic instruction
- conferences
- performance tasks and/or products
- written tasks
- quizzes
- developmental continua
- learning logs
- portfolios
- action plans
- other ways, as determined by the school community