Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth is involved in supporting the multilevel learning community, as indicated by the following timeline:
- Spring 2000: Manitoba teachers of two or more grades in one classroom responded to a survey initiated by Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth indicating that implementing several new outcome-based curricula in multilevel classrooms presented instructional challenges.
- Fall 2001: The Department constructed a project team comprising experienced and beginning multilevel educators from rural, remote, and urban schools to develop a resource to aid teachers in the implementation and management of provincially mandated student learning outcomes.
- Fall 2003: Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth released Independent Together: Supporting the Multilevel Learning Community, a theory-based and practical resource for planning quality instruction within the context of managing multiple curriculum outcomes.
- Spring 2007: The Department launched the Independent Together website, designed to use information and communication technology (ICT) to support the multilevel learning community.