Learning Community for Teachers
Curriculum integration in the multilevel classroom involves connecting the big ideas across curricula or subject areas and grades to instruction.
Curriculum integration
- makes student learning relevant and authentic
- makes effective and efficient use of instructional time
- supports a wide range of learners through best practices
- shows learning and understanding with authentic performance tasks, processes, and/or products
All curricula are integrated, but not all the time.
- Mathematics requires time for investigating
and applying concepts during mathematics workshops.
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- Physical education requires time to learn and practise new knowledge, skills, and attitudes.
- Integration of English language arts, science,
social studies,
health education, and information and communication technologies creates rich opportunities for student inquiry.
When planning for curriculum integration in the multilevel classroom, you can
- reflect on the classroom continuum of learning and the learners' interests
- start with a mid-range grade set of Foundation for Implementation documents, and grow from this starting point as experience and confidence develops
- think about the big ideas across curricula to develop interdisciplinary themes/units
- target a balance of learning
outcomes across curricula to
assess student knowledge, skills and strategies,
and attitudes
Note: When targeting four or five learning outcomes, several enabling outcomes will also be achieved and applied throughout the duration of the theme/unit.
- timetable workshops
for quality learning and ongoing assessment
- experience learning through
primary sources such as engaging in out-of-classroom
, inviting Elders or experts into the classroom, and using authentic open-ended resources (text sets
and manipulatives)
- offer a variety of approaches
for practising and applying learning, such
as the multiple intelligences model
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- engage learners in planning
for inquiry
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- invite parents into the classroom
to help them understand what curriculum integration
looks and sounds like