The Resources section of the Independent Together website contains elements that can be used to support learning and teaching in the multilevel classroom. You will find the following:
- Media Gallery—contains various media (videos, stills, audio clips) that may be previewed online and downloaded for individual use.
- Templates—offers downloadable blackline masters from the Independent Together document and a PowerPoint slide-show presentation.
- Multilevel Support—lists print and online resources.
- Research—features an interactive library of concepts important to understanding multilevel learning and teaching.
- Independent Together—provides a link to Independent Together: Supporting the Multilevel Learning Community (in PDF format), which is available to download by chapter or as a complete document.
- FAQs—answers questions that are frequently asked about the multilevel learning community.
- Contacts—indicates consultants who may be contacted for additional information.
- Glossary—provides definitions of terms related to the multilevel learning community.