Learning Community for Teachers
Assessment and learning are synonymous in the multilevel
Effective assessment
- engages learners in the assessment
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- describes what learners can do
- informs instruction
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- provides meaningful feedback to learners
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- communicates student learning to parents
- celebrates learning
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Formative Assessment
Formative assessment is integral
to student success in the multilevel classroom.
Observation is the primary assessment method. When planning for
instruction and assessment, multilevel classroom teachers
think about how to
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- target two or three learning outcomes
- focus on two or three students
- plan to observe in a variety of
learning contexts
- construct student-generated criteria
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- record what they see and hear
- reflect on learners' strengths
and offer feedback for improvement
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- guide and/or facilitate goal setting
- develop a continuum of learning for differentiation and reporting
Other formative assessment methods/tools include
- strategic instruction
- conferences
- performances and/or products
- written tasks
- quizzes
- developmental continua
- learning logs
- portfolios
Summative Assessment
Summative assessment communicates and celebrates the learning that takes place in the multilevel classroom at the end of a unit, theme, or term.
Performance tasks and/or products are effective means of assessing multiple learning outcomes from various curricula and across a wide age-range of learners. When planning for instruction and assessment, teachers think about how to
- target knowledge, skills and strategies, and attitudinal learning outcomes
- facilitate the revision of student-generated
- guide or facilitate the development of rubrics for summative assessment from the student-generated criteria (Grades 6 to 8)
- observe processes and products
- synthesize formative and summative assessment information
- report learning and progress to
the partners in the multilevel learning
- report learning in relation to grade-level "benchmarks" at the end of a term or at the end of the school year
Other summative assessment methods/tools include