Learning Community for Administrators
Curriculum integration in the multilevel classroom is connecting the big ideas across curricula or subjects and grades to curriculum instruction.
Curriculum integration
- makes student learning relevant and authentic
- makes effective and efficient use of instructional time
- supports a wide range of learners through best practices
- shows learning and understanding with authentic performance tasks, processes, and/or products
- Mathematics requires time for investigating
and applying concepts during mathematics workshops.
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- Physical education requires time to learn and practise new knowledge, skills, and attitudes.
- Integration of English language arts, health education, science,
social studies
, and information and communication technologies creates rich opportunities for student inquiry.
- provide teachers with time
for planning, collaborating, and reflecting, including time for visiting other multilevel
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- understand that new teachers may need to start from a mid-range grade set of Foundation for Implementation documents
- implement developmental continua to facilitate
classroom assessment
- encourage teachers to participate in professional learning experiences that focus on curriculum integration and/or the multilevel classroom
- engage the whole school in a plan to rotate or cycle curricula
to avoid gaps and repetition
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- help parents understand the benefits of teaching most subjects in integrated themes/units rather than separately
All curricula are integrated, but not all the time.
Administrators facilitate curriculum integration in the multilevel learning community when they